Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft

delft courthouse

Historical value

The building that hosts the Faculty of Architecture is also called "Rode Scheikunde", which translates to "Red Chemistry". It refers to the color of brick used and of course to its original purpose. Rode Scheikunde is constructed from red brick in combination with a lot of natural stone. This natural stone can be found above and below the windows, in the continuous roof molding and in the entire entrance area. Ornaments have been used quite a lot, not only in natural stone such as at the entrance, but there are also surfaces of masonry with brick figurations. Quite exclusive materials were used for the construction of Rode Scheikunde at the time.The original purpose of the building can still be read in a few places. The facade contains richly decorated bricked openings that would serve as outlets for fume hoods for chemical tests. There was a water reservoir in the tower, which could be used in the event of a fire as a result of the chemical tests.

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